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Home learning info for Primary 7
Dear parents,
As you will be aware, school has had to close as a result of the current COVID19 crisis.
We have been busy preparing plans and materials for pupils to continue with their learning at home and strongly recommend that children continue to complete daily work and homework tasks during their time off school.
Tasks will follow on as normal for P7:
- AR reading
- Spellings-ABC order
- Literacy Day 93
- MA Section 2, Test 12, Part A
- Mental maths label
Individual spellings/mental maths labels are in diaries for the next few weeks and will be uploaded via SeeSaw after that.
Each day should follow the normal homework pattern and homework will be marked on returning back to school.
We will publish a weekly plan at the beginning of each week to include Literacy, Numeracy, Topic, Religion and ICT as well as ideas for PE. These plans will detail the concepts and activities that each child should work through.
The activities/resources for each concept will be sent to you through SeeSaw and/or this class website page so be sure to keep an eye on both!
There may be concepts which will need further explanation and we will try to include links to videos which should help with these.
Below is a list of other useful learning links and activities which will help to maintain your skills:
📌 Literacy
- Keep a diary of your time off.
- Record your memories of your time in St. Joseph’s (Link to ICT task)
- Accelerated Reader can be accessed Monday-Friday between 9am and 3pm using the following link to allow children to keep on top of their quizzes and word count.
📌 Numeracy
- My Maths - to revise concepts already taught. Pupils can explore games and lessons here (pupils should have a record of their logins for this in their homework diary)
- Corbett Maths - the Five a Day can be completed daily
- Times Tables Rockstars - print outs have been made available to children who were in school to continue with daily timed tasks. The link below is for the stopwatch and song playlist for the 3min time limit.
📌 Religion - Say prayers morning and night, prayer before and after meals, Revise the Easter story, learn the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, revise the Ten Commandments - www.topmarks.co.uk/Easter/easterstory
📌 PE - Remain active, get out and about on your bikes, go for a walk, play in your garden.
- Joe Wicks is doing a 30minute PE lesson live on his youtube channel every morning. What a great way to start your day (He also does the 5 minute move on his channel for anyone needing a movement break!)
- Go Noodle is also a fantastic and energetic movement channel which is sure to get you on your feet.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YBT7HYqCbbvzu3kKZ3wnw
📌 Topic - Continue to research and learn about our topic of Fairtrade. The following links may help:
Other useful websites:
💻 Education City - I have set each pupil up with a username and password (to be sent via SeeSaw) Here they can complete activities, worksheets and learning sessions on key concepts in Literacy and Numeracy
💻 Topmarks literacy and numeracy games e.g hit the button, daily 10 etc.
💻 BBC Bitesize to revise key topics and concepts in Literacy, Numeracy and our ‘Fairtrade’ topic.
💻 Scholastic provides 20 days of learning with free online learning including articles, stories, videos and fun learning challenges.
💻 Parents can also sign up to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS for a one month unlimited free trial.
On this website, there are unlimited resources in all subject areas including PowerPoints, worksheets and activities. This is a fantastic resource to be given access to and recommended by teachers!
We fully understand that you may be feeling worried or upset by changes in your daily routines. Remember, that we are all here to support you all and we will make sure to stay connected as a class. Work hard and remember to have fun!
Mrs Kearney and Miss McCormick
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076