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Maths Week 2020
We love to take part in practical Maths activities in St. Joseph's. We celebrated 'Maths Week' across the school in October, practicing our maths skills in a wide variety of ways. The children found so many different ways to put their Numeracy learning into practice. Take a look at our photographs to see just how busy they have been.
Primary 1 explored pattern this week, they were even able to spot some on their pattern hunt outside. They have been using peg boards to create and continue patterns, as well as copying pattern cards using the multi Link! Primary 4 were very busy learning about the properties of 2d shapes and creating them with lollipop sticks.
Primary 6 completed the ‘Daily Dash’ as part of Maths Week. They worked in pairs to time how long it took to do each lap of the circuit. They recorded this on their whiteboards and then created a graph to show their results. They then worked out the average speed, median and range of their speeds. They also battled in a virtual Wembley Stadium on Times Tables Rockstars and competed for a place on the leaderboard.
Primary 3 were very active during P.E. where they got into groups of 2+2, 3+2, 5+5. They even played 'time bomb' practicing how to count backwards from 10 to 0! Primary 3 also enjoyed using target boards to practice calculations - the winners were very proud of their win!
Primary 7 were busy exploring addition and subtraction through practical games and they had lots of fun on their QR maths hunt in the open area! Primary 5 explored measuring, using rulers and metre sticks. I don't think there were many objects in the classroom and the open area that they didn't measure!
Well done everyone! I love seeing how much fun you have been having as you learn
Miss Keenan
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076