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Primary 4 Class Information๐๐
During this time of school closure, we (as the P4 Team) will continue to support, provide & help children learn through a variety of means. This will include regular posts on our school website and via our individual class SeeSaw accounts.
We understand that this may be very over-whelming and we want to try and reduce stress for everyone throughout this time. Below we have highlighted key points which we hope will help to scaffold home learning and give you, as parents/guardians, a little more clarity as to what children can do during their time at home.
- Books/Home Packs: ๐ : Books that went home within home packs include Literacy, Numeracy and Topic books. This will give your child something to write in whilst they learn and work at home. Alongside their books, we have included any additional booklets they may require to complete weekly tasks and activity sheets which we had already prepared for next week. Hopefully this will help give children a little structure and remind them of our daily class routines. ๐
Weekly Planners ๐: We will continue to create and post a suggested weekly planner for children. This will be a 1 page overview of activities/tasks which can be shared with your child. We encourage children to be able to work through the tasks (some independently) and they can even tick off or highlight as they complete each task ๐๐. Weeks 1-3 are printed for your child but will also be shared via SeeSaw each week.
- Homework โ๏ธ : Children can work through their normal English in Practice (E.I.P) and Mental Maths. Weekly spellings and number facts are in diaries and if needed, extra weeks will be shared via SeeSaw.
- Reading๐: We appreciate that children may not have access to the same wealth of books they used in school for group and A.R reading. Therefore, we have created an online account with ‘Oxford Owls’ that will give your child access to a variety of lovely online eBooks. Every week, I will post 2 books which your child will be able to search for and read via this website. Where possible, books will try to be allocated based on Guided Reading levels they were currently using in school. Usernames and log in details are as follows:
Click on ‘My Class Login’
Mrs Carlin’s Class
Username: p4mrscarlin
Password: primary4
Miss McCallion’s class
Username: P4 Miss McCallion
Password: password
Mrs McGarry’s class
Username: P4mrsmcgarry
Password: primary4
- I.C.T: As a school, we have some new and existing memberships to Educational websites which will be of great benefit to the children for learning new concepts and reinforcing what they have already learnt. We will be setting work/games via these websites so please refer to this post for log in information.
My Maths: https://www.mymaths.co.uk
Log in details: see individual details at back of homework diaries.
Education City: https://www.educationcity.com
Log in details: check SeeSaw for individual login details.
Times Table Rockstars/ Numbots: https://ttrockstars.com
Log in details: see individual notes in book packs for individual log ins.
Finally & most importantly...
Self care and connecting together๐โค๏ธ: Each week, we really want to focus on remaining connected as a class๐ We can do this through the Class SeeSaw app, which allows children to upload pictures of their work, complete little challenges and read comments/posts from their teachers. We have tried to add some fun things that might help your child unwind, relax and feel safe during this time of uncertainty and change. This will be so important for children and we want to give as much as support as we can to both you, as parents/guardians, and to the children we have cared for within our classes all year โค๏ธ
๐คIf you are confused in any way or need help/advice, do not hesitate to keep in touch with us through our Class Seesaw and we will be happy to help in whatever way possible.
๐ Remember, we are in this together and we will get through this together!๐
Take care and stay safe,
P4 Team
Mrs Carlin, Miss McCallion & Mrs McGarry
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076