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Our first topic in Primary 3 is 'Toys!'. We have been learning about how toys have changed over time and the materials that are used to make toys. We loved finding out how Lego toys are made and how they were created.
In Literacy we are exploring recount writing. We have been reading lots of books based on our topic of 'Toys!'. In shared writing we retold 'Toy Story' and we were able to recount 'Pinocchio' independently. We are also learning how to use a text to complete comprehension activities. We are also developing our ICT skills, using the Microsoft program to add and change text and to insert pictures.
In Numeracy we have been working on numbers, addition and subtraction within 30. We have also explored the link between addition and subtraction. In our Numeracy topics we are revising o'clock and half past times and we have learned more about data handling. We love Friday afternoon as Damien from IFA visits us for a football coaching session. We are really developing our listening skills.
As you can see we have been very busy already this term! We hope you come back and visit us soon to see what else we have learned.
Primary 3, Miss Keenan and Mrs Brash
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076