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Wonderful toys!
We have been learning all about toys. In class we have explored the similarities and differences between old and new toys and the materials used in their construction. We loved learning about the history of LEGO and we even got to design our own LEGO character. In Literacy we have been reading lots of stories with a toy theme, our favourite so far was 'Traction man' by Mimi Grey. On Wednesday we all brought our favourite toy to school to show our friends. We were very busy measuring our toys, writing about them and also using charcoal to create some lovely drawings. As you can see we have been very busy since we started back in P.3. Check back soon to see what else we have learned in our amazing topic.
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076