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St. Josephs Primary School, Antrim

News Archive

2020/2021 School Year

25th Nov 2020
Meet our P4A Article 12 Society Representatives.
25th Nov 2020
Meet our Primary 4A Eco Council Representatives.
25th Nov 2020
This term are studying Ancient Greece. We have being exploring myths, legends and...
25th Nov 2020
Welcome to Primary 4A. It is lovely to see the boys and girls back to school. I...
22nd Nov 2020
P6 have been studying ‘instructional writing’ as their writing focus...
22nd Nov 2020
We discussed how ‘style’ has changed in 2020. P6 planned their design...
16th Nov 2020
Last Friday we welcomed James from the Sentinus organisation to educate us on the...
16th Nov 2020
Primary 6 loved taking part in a Sentinus workshop on floating and sinking with...
11th Nov 2020
Look at our beautiful portrait paintings.